
Spanish to English Food Dictionary for Seville and Spain

paella rice with seafood and/or meat and vegetables
palatilla lower quality ham (smaller)
paleta shoulder cut of meat
palmita palm - hearts of palm
paloma dove
palometa pompano, yellow jack, saurel
palomitas pop-corn
pan bread
pan rallado bread crumbs
panceta bacon, more fat
papada chin, typically chin of pig
papaya papaya
parilla grill (a la parilla = grilled)
pasas raisins
pasas prunes
pasteles pastries
patata potato
patatas fritas potato chips
paté paté
pato duck
pavo turkey
pechuga breast, as in chicken breast
pepinillo pickle
pepino cucumber
pera pear
percebes barnacles
perdiz partridge
perejil parsley
perrito caliente hot dog
pescado fish in general sense
pestorejo pigs face
pez espada swordfish
pierna leg, as in chicken leg
pimenton paprika, sweet and spicy varieties.
pimienta black pepper (pimineta roja, pimineta blanca)
pimiento bell pepper
piña Pineapple
pinchito kebab
pincho moruno kebab
pinchos small snacks served in bars - typical use of word in Madrid or north
pipas sunflower seeds
pisto stew eggplant, squash, green peppers, onion and sometimes an egg or potato
plancha grill (a la plancha is grilled)
plátano banana
pollo chicken
pomelo grapefruit
porras pastry, like churros, but thicker, and more doughy
postre dessert
potaje stew
puchero stew
puerros leeks
pulpo octopus


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