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Friday, January 2nd "Peel and seed the grapes; New Years Party as a way to recover from holiday sickness!"

So the holidays continued and yet another grand feast. The television was of course moved so everyone could count down to the last minute, and while I tried my best I couldn't eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds as is the custom in Spain. I did learn that if you don't peel and seed them it can more difficult, although some at our table considered this bad luck. We have one more holiday meal to go, just before Reyes. I think I'm going to get sick.

Speaking of sick we tried an interesting cure for our flu on New Years - stay out until 6 or 7am. We went to Carlos' apartment for a small get together with his friends and a few co-workers. I had a few drinks (after plenty of champagne from the dinner) and around 4:30 am began to turn a little green for about 15 minutes. A few minutes of candy and sugar kept me alive for the next hour or so, but certainly not the best way to get better. While we made our way home the night (and day) continued for some at the party, including a movie, a quick nap, breakfast of churros and chocolate and then pizza for lunch. I was told the "party" ended around 5:30pm on the 1st. We spent most of the day sleeping off an illness plus hangover and watched several movies - rented of course as our satellite was robbed. Can't wait to move...